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If you're pondering a career in agriculture, there's a wide range of roles to consider within a variety of fields. Whether you have experience in sales, administration, engineering, science or manual labor, you can specialize in agriculture. These careers encompass a wide range of jobs in food production, natural resources, plant systems, animal management and much more

Last updated: Tuesday, 19th December 2023


What are agriculture careers?

Agriculture careers are professional paths related to farming, cultivation and animal husbandry. These career paths involve everything from growing crops and nurturing the soil to raising livestock like cattle, pigs and chickens. Careers in agriculture also incorporate manufacturing, marketing and selling the products that result from crops and livestock as well as providing support and assistance throughout the field.

Types of agriculture jobs

Agriculture jobs require many diverse skill sets. Some of the most common types of agriculture careers include:

  • Administrative jobs: The professionals who perform these roles provide support for workers throughout the agriculture industry. They are responsible for tasks like managing offices, answering correspondence, maintaining filing systems and speaking with clients.

  • Engineering jobs: Engineering roles involve using high-level science and math to solve complex problems. These professionals evaluate, design, test and install systems a range of equipment and systems. They also oversee manufacturing and maintenance processes. In the agriculture field, most engineers specialize in mechanical, environmental or structural engineering.

  • Labor jobs: These positions require workers to perform manual tasks such as planting, harvesting, caring for animals and maintaining equipment. Laborers often use specialized tools and machines to do their jobs, which require superior physical strength and stamina. Agriculture jobs require both skilled and unskilled workers.

  • Sales jobs: Sales professionals are responsible for selling materials and products to customers. They assess customers' needs and design solutions that meet budgetary requirements while also contributing to clients' goals. Sales specialists who work in agriculture often focus on selling seed 


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